Course Duration: Three Days
Course Summary: This classroom based facilitated training program offers a thorough overview of asset management and the ISO 55001 Standard. The CAMA Course provides the asset management knowledge to enable course participants to perform the role of an auditor/assessor and undertake activities as a member of a team of auditors/assessors.
Asset Management Certifications: On completion of the CAMA Course, participants can sit the CAMA Exam through World Partners in Asset Management. Upon passing the CAMA exam, participants will be awarded the CAMA Certification (postnominals – CAMA). All CAMA certified asset managers are also eligible for Certified Practitioner in Asset Management through the Asset Management Council (postnominals – CPAM).
Course Content:
Day 1:
- Session 1 Course Introduction and Objectives
- Session 2 Key AM Documents
- Session 3 CAMA Competency Standard and WPiAM exam
- Session 4 Fundamentals of Asset Management
- Session 5 Key AM Processes & Disciplines
Day 2:
- Session 6 ISO Standards Overview
- Session 7 ISO 55001 Requirements
- Session 8 Context of the Organisation: Strategies, Stakeholders, Demand Mgt
- Session 9 Planning: Policy, SAMP & AMP
- Session 10 AM Objectives & Decision Making
Day 3:
- Session 11 AM Data & Information
- Session 12 Leadership & culture
- Session 13 Organization, competency & engagement
- Session 14 Continual Improvement
- Session 15 Mock Exam