Accelerating ISO55000 Compliance for Integrated Asset Management

Course Duration: Two Days

Course Summary:

This interactive workshop is designed specifically for organisations who are grappling with the implementation of ISO55000 standards across their organisation. The focus is on equipping participants with the insight and strategies necessary to lead this change, develop appropriate means of monitoring success, and create engagement at all levels of the organisation.
The two days will work through the process logically, breaking apart each step and giving participants the opportunity to explore their own organisation’s problems and develop practical solutions to accelerate the roll out.

Course participants will learn Accelerating ISO55000 Compliance for Integrated Asset Management, including how to:

  • Identifying Core Business Goals for the Implementation of ISO55000;
  • Forming an Action Plan for the Rollout of New Standards;
  • Leading Transformation Change;
  • Driving Asset Efficiency through Effective Design and Contracting Measures;
  • Costing and Financing to Maximise Asset ROI;
  • Frameworks to Drive Compliance after ISO55000 Implementation;
  • Learning from Asset Failures;
  • Developing a Plan to Accelerate ISO55000 Implementation;


  • Gain an awareness of what Asset Management Artefacts are required to satisfy ISO 55001
  • Gain an awareness of the purpose, content and linkages between the Asset Management Artefacts
  • Understand the benefits of a suite of asset management processes that integrates technical and financial decision making;
  • Understand how improvements can be identified from asset failures;
  • Understand how organizational elements both support an asset management system and improve business outcomes;
  • Understand how to link budgets to operational requirements;
  • Understand how to Reduce Whole of Life Costs (WoLC)
  • Understand how to achieve Value for Money and develop Defensible Budgets
  • The value of Systems Engineering & Configuration Management & Continual Improvement
  • The value of Leadership and Culture


Target Audience:

Asset Managers from all levels of the business


Course Content:


Day 1:

Identifying Core Business Goals for the Implementation of ISO55000

  • Understand how the ISO Standards align with key business principles and can support your organisation’s desired business outcomes
  • Develop a clear vision for the business and its assets and conveying this to all relevant stakeholders
  • Identify how and why different business functions integrate with the management of assets to achieve the desired business outcomes
  • Develop the right leadership framework to successfully engage with staff to build a set of key actions to achieve implementation outcomes

Forming an Action Plan for the Rollout of New Standards

  • Use a gap analysis approach to identify where the business stands in relation to future intended outcomes
  • Review and understand gap analysis information to identify strength areas and areas for development
  • Create training and competency frameworks for relevant staff to ensure compliance with the new standards
  • Utilise feedback from staff to increase the effectiveness of training and internal processes

Leading Transformation Change

  • Identify the transformational leadership style you need to enable you lead the implementation of ISO55000
  • Set benchmarks and measures to monitor change progress and keep staff on track
  • Develop strategies to enlist the active support of other senior managers of your organisation in the transformational change
  • Develop communication strategies to keep staff up to date with the transformation and their role within it

Driving Asset Efficiency through Effective Design and Contracting Measures

  • Engage internal and external stakeholders with the full change process to build a common vision
  • Develop processes that consider whole-of-life issues during asset planning and acquisition that deliver the “desired balance of cost, risk and asset performance” that is, deliver both the financial outcomes and the required asset service levels / outputs
  • Develop a risk-based, data-driven approach that will assure the financial viability of an asset
  • Developing asset management strategies (planning and execution) that provide assurance that the assets will deliver both the financial outcomes and the required asset service levels / output


Day 2:

Costing and Financing to Maximise Asset ROI

  • Explore different contractual (internal and external) arrangements to manage maintenance expenditure without compromising asset performance or safety
  • Utilise financial and failure data to inform the planning, management and maintenance of assets
  • Develop maintenance plans (OPEX) that meet ROI requirements
  • Evaluate existing internal asset planning processes (CAPEX) to determine how they deliver ROI requirements

Frameworks to Drive Compliance after ISO55000 Implementation

  • Develop and use KRAs and KPIs developed for specific business units
  • Track and monitor compliance, using data to develop better processes
  • Develop techniques to help staff understand their individual and team role for ISO compliance
  • Strengthen asset information collection systems to improve the ongoing performance of assets
  • Develop an ISO complaint asset management culture

Learning from Asset Failures

  • Understand internal and external responsibilities for the management of risk
  • Develop decision-making criteria for use when developing asset management and maintenance plans
  • Establish frameworks for investigating inefficiency or ineffectiveness
  • Minimise losses by being proactive and taking charge of the situation
  • Use audits and feedback from multiple stakeholders to identify and avoid potential hazards early on

The Next Step – Developing a Plan to Accelerate ISO55000 Implementation

  • Summarise the core components of the two-day course
  • Open discussion: Formulate an ISO55000 implementation action plan and associated KPIs
  • Open discussion: Exploring the challenges faced by individual businesses and organisations
  • Open discussion: Create a step by step guide for implementing new standards and engaging staff with the changes

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